Life is a Song, Love is the Music.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Strange places...

This evening, a friend and I decided to "snoop" around campus to see if we could find anything interesting. As small as GSC is, I assumed that I had seen it all, but I was wrong... There's so much in the Administration Building that you never see unless you make the effort to explore. Like, a downstairs with a 4x4 door on the wall. What's behind the door? Dirt. Just plain ol' dirt and a few rocks and the like (above picture...) The dirt goes on for quite a ways. Right across from the door on the wall is a small door on the floor that is locked. It takes a square-shaped key. There's something under it, but we couldn't get it opened. I need to learn how to pick locks. I have a strange inclination to believe that there's something more extravagant behind quite a few of those basement doors. There's rumors that there is a bomb shelter tucked away under campus. There were many doors that were locked, so I probably saw about 10% of the "unknown." My goal for the future is to find out how to get into the bell tower, or how to get in to Louis Bennett or Clark Hall to hunt for ghosts.

For those of you that do not believe in ghosts, I will assure you that there is something roaming this campus. So far, I have had two experiences that I would label "paranormal." My first odd experience happened on the 5th floor of Scott wing at Pickens Hall. I was here for a week out of the summer working at a band camp. I recall waking up and hearing someone breathing heavily. The chaperones and students were already on their way to breakfast, so I know that the general location I was in was empty besides myself. I didn't see anything strange, but I KNOW I heard something.
My second experience was a little more realistic. I was walking down the hall from the RA's room to mine, and I saw a very prominent white light slide across the hall. This was a few weeks ago. I suppose that I wasn't too scared simply because it wasn't in the shape of a person or anything.


There's also a huge overlook beyond the nature trail. I didn't know about this until today. From the top, you can see hay city.

Just so you know... I made a few discoveries today.


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