Life is a Song, Love is the Music.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 in retrospect...


*Began my 6th semester of college.
*was hopelessly falling in love with a guy that I thought was "the one"
*Hated classes like Classroom Management and SPED
*Loved classes like Brass Pedagogy, Music History, and Conducting
*began working very diligently on my composition in preparation for my senior recital jury
*my nephew, Easton, was born


*Nothing significant or out of the ordinary...for once...

*yet another Percussion Ensemble season of rehearsals began. This was the 30th anniversary of the group.
*busy busy busy with piano, still. began really working up the literature.


*30th anniversary of Percussion Ensemble
*finished what I thought was the final version of my composition
*donated blood.
*experienced extreme sadness upon hearing the news about the mining tragedy in southern WV. I was thankful that my uncle took that day off. He lost all of his crew members and hasn't been the same since...
*everything was going well. Piano was progressing well, classes were progressing romantic relationship was on a great track


*turned 21, celebrated with the boyfriend by going to Morgantown, where I tried my first Indian cuisine, visited a small jewelry shop, had some ColdStone icecream, then went back to Glenville.
*had a senior recital jury....They passed me on everything, but wanted to share their suggestions for my piece. I considered some of them.
*attended a good friend's wedding
*finished the semester and said goodbye to my friends for the summer


*training for Energy Express...I spent a weekend with a friend from college and realized we had more in common than we originally thought
*played piano at another good friend's wedding
*began really working on adding to my composition


*Energy Express. I met a 9-year-old that could read on a 10th grade level. She was amazing, but her parents were unaware of that.
*mostly took a break from piano to let some tendinitis heal


*finished my piece...or did I?
*taught at a very challenging band camp. I had some sort of heat exhaustion that caused extreme chest pain. My resting heart rate was 140 for about a day and a half, then dropped to 120 for a few days, then to 90, then back down to about 70.
*school began again... began the senior recital countdown
*donated blood
*began my last season of marching band

*babysat for my band director and his wife, while she was in the hospital having their 3rd child
*still stressfully counting down until the recital
*rode in the front of an ambulance when a fellow student broke his ankle.... that was BAD.
*studied for my biology class and liked it a little bit...
*"finished" my piece (yeah right)

*attempted to donate blood, but my iron was too low
*celebrated my oldest nephew's 4th birthday
*marched with the exhibition band at the Lewis County TOB
*"finished" my piece again...

*made the decision to finalize my piece and not make changes between November 4th and my recital
*had a sudden, unexpected breakup with my boyfriend. This was exactly one month before my recital and one day before our 1st anniversary. I haven't talked to him since...I lost a lot of sleep and weight.
*finished my last season of marching band as a student...cried quite a bit
*began REALLY counting down for the recital...
*realized how much my friends cared...
*attended my first opera.

*finished up a great semester
*lost my temper on some people I shouldn't have lost it on. Appologized 10 minutes later....
*Had a great recital and great cake afterward (see previous post)
*finally got to pick out my own music to play on piano
*began talking to a new guy
*spent a great Christmas with my family....

That's all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Blogger Tanya Johnson said...

Mary Sue,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I realized that I haven't checked your blog in a very long time and then I read this. What a great way to catch up your long lost friends.

So happy to hear how things are going. It sounds like you have had a very eventful year. I hope 2011 will be even better for you.

You look beautiful, btw.

I'm going to write you a good long email soon so we can catch up.

Miss you.

Love Tanya

January 3, 2011 at 7:25 PM  

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